
L’Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale (ALAI) – Call for essays for the ALAI European Author’s Right Award

ALAI with the support of the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC), announces an annual award for students for the best essay relating to authors’ rights.

The essays should have a European dimension and include elements relating to the collective management of authors’ rights. The candidates must be at least Master’s Students, under 35 years of age and must have been recommended by at least one professor.

The first place prize is 2.000 euros. If the jury decides to award a second place prize this will be 1.000 euros. In addition, the winner will have the opportunity to attend the ALAI International Congress in Portugal in 2022.

A one page summary of the essay must be submitted to before November 30th. The closing date for submission of essays is the 15th February 2022.

For more information on the Award and its prizes select here: GESAC – THE EUROPEAN AUTHORS’ SOCIETIES (

For the web site of ALAI select here.

For the web site of the GReek department of ALAI see here.