enjoy legal

Often, the search of online legal content, such as music and films is not easy. Websites with illegal music, movies, series, videogames, images or books have become quite popular. As a consequence of that, even users who wish to gain access to works of art/ creative works legally, end up using illegal services only because they are more popular. For that reason, the Hellenic Copyright Organization (HCO) created the web site enjoylegal.gr. The objective of this new web portal is to inform the public about online platforms that offer content that is protected under copyright law lawfully.

In other words, the HCO collects and provides users with online platforms where they can lawfully watch or download movies, series and sports events, listen to or download music, read online or download books and gain access to images and videogames.

The “enjoy legal”’s main aim is to collect legal platforms of content and direct users towards them. By choosing to visit the web sites that are included in “enjoy legal”, you gain access to the works of your favourite artists easily, quickly and with safety. Most importantly, you gain access to these works lawfully, respecting the authors’ rights and contributing to cultural development.

“enjoy legal” is a member of the Agorateka network that has been launched by the European Office of Intellectual Property (EUIPO). Agorateka is a European portal that collects national portals, such as “enjoy legal”, of participating European countries, most notably the Member States of the European Union.