Here follows a list of the agreements concluded between collective management organizations and representative users associations, as respectively notified to the Hellenic Copyright Organization (HCO), in accordance with Art. 23(3) Law No. 4481/2017. For any further information and details, please visit the CMOs’ websites and/or contact them directly using the contact details provided here.
HCO is not responsible for the content of the agreements submitted and hereby displayed.
Collective Management Organizations that represent authors / creators
- ATHINA – Directors / Scriptwriters
- Agreement with the National Private Television Networks Association (Enosi Idiotikon Tileoptikon Stathmon Ethnikis Emveleias – E.I.TH.S.E.E.).
- Agreement with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE)
- Agreement with the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation S.A. (Elliniki Radiofonia Tileorasi Α.Ε.) (ERT)
- AUTODIAXEIRISI – Composers / Lyricists
- Extension of Agreement with the Union of Hellenic Chambers (Kentriki Enosi Epimelitirion Ellados) (KEEE)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with Pampontiaki Omospondia Ellados (POE)
- Extension of Agreement with the Union of Hellenic Chambers (Kentriki Enosi Epimelitirion Ellados) (KEEE)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Entrepreneurs of Restaurants and Entertainment of Petra, Lesvos
- Agrreement/Framework of Cooperation with the Union of Greek Radio Station Owners (EN.I.R.S.E.)
- Agreement with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Theater (PETH) (Pannelinia Enosi Theatrou)
- Extension of Agreement with the Union of Hellenic Chambers (Kentriki Enosi Epimelitirion Ellados) (KEEE)
- Agreement with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Owners of Radio Stations “P.E.I.RA.S.” (Panellinia Enosi Idioktiton Radiofonikon Stathmon “P.E.I.RA.S.”) (2024)
- Agreement with the Union of Municipal Radio and TV Media of Greece
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Elladas)
- Agreement with the Union of Owners of Barber and Hair style shops of the prefecture of Serres “I allilegyi”
- Agreement with the Association of Entrepreneurs of Tourist Accommodation of Greece (S.E.T.K.E.)
- Agreement with the Association of Restaurants and Amusements Halls of Achaia (Syllogos Katastimatarchon Estiasis kai Anapsychis Achaias)
- Agreement with the Association of Restaurants and Amusements Halls of Agialeia (Syllogos Katastimatarchon Estiasis kai Anapsychis Aigialeias)
- Agreement with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Owners of Radio Stations “P.E.I.RA.S.” (Panellinia Enosi Idioktiton Radiofonikon Stathmon “P.E.I.RA.S.”)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Restaurants Professionals and relative professions “Dionysos of Pyrgos” (Somatio Epihirimation Estiasis ke synafon epagelmaton “Dionysos Pyrgou”)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Professionals of Kythnos (Syllogos Epaggelmation Kythnoy)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Food Service Professions of Loutraki (Syllogos Episitiston Loutrakiou)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Coffee and Restaurant Owners of Paros (Syllogos Kefestiatoron Parou)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Food Service Professions of Municipality of Thermaikos (Somatio Episitistikon Epagelmaton Thermaikou)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Restaurants and Entertainment Halls of Siteia (Syllogos Katastimaton Estisasis kai Psychagogias Siteias)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Entrepreneurs of Restaurants of Rethymno (Somateio Epixeirimation Estiasis Enosi Rethymnou)
- Agreement with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Organizers of Cultural Events (Panellinios Syndesmos Diorganoton Politistikon Ekdiloseon)
- Agreement/Framework of Cooperation with the Union of Municipal Radio-TV Media of Greece (Enosi Radiotileoptikon MME Elladas)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Gymnasiums (Panellinios Syndesmos Gymnastirion) 2024
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Gymnasiums (Panellinios Syndesmos Gymnastirion)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Trading and Professional Association of Skiathos (Emporikos kai Epaggelmatikos Syllogos Skiathou)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Owners of Cafeterias, Traditional Coffee Shops, Clubs and Restaurants of the Municipality of Mytilene (Syllogos Idioktiton Kefeterion, Kafeneion, Kentron Psychagogias kai Estiasis Dimotikis Enotitas Mytilinis)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Cafeterias Restaurants “Anemogiannis” of Nafpaktos (Syllogos Kafe Estiatorion “o Anemogiannis” Nafpaktou
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Restaurant Entrepreneurs of the Administrative Region of Chania (Somateio Epihirimation Estiasis Nomou Chanion)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Restaurants and Recreational Facilities owners of the Administrative Region of Achaia (Syllogos Katastimatarchon Estiasis kai Anapsychis N. Achaias)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE)
- Extension of Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE)
- Amendment – Extension of Period of Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Restaurants and Catering Operators of the Municipality of Sitia (Syllogos Katastimaton Estisais kai Psychagogias Dimou Sitias)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Coffee-shops and Restaurants of Ierapetra (Somateio Kafe-Estiasis Ierapetras)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Professionals of Coffee-shops, Bars and Clubs of the Administrative Region of Xanthi (Somateio Ep[agelmation Kafe-Bar kai Kentron Diaskedasis N. Xanthis)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Land Owners of Attica and Catering (ENIKK)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association of Professionals and Artisans of Epanomi (Enosi Epagelmation kai Viotechnon Epanomis)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Chamber of Arcadia (Epimelitirio Arkadias)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Restaurants and Related Professions of Municipality of Rehtymno (Somatio Estiasis kai Synafon Epagelmaton tou Dimou Rethymnou)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Food Service Professions of Municipality of Thermaikos (Somatio Episitistikon Epagelmaton Dimou Thermaikou)
- Amendment of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Food Service Professions of Municipality of Thermaikos (Somatio Episitistikon Epagelmaton Dimou Thermaikou)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Chamber of Kilkis (Epimelitirio Kilkis) (N.P.D.D.)
- Extension of Memorandum of Cooperation with the Chamber of Kilkis (Epimelitirio Kilkis) (N.P.D.D.)
- Agreement with the Union of Owners of Private Radio Stations of Attica (Enosi Idioktiton Radiofonikon Stathmon Attikis) (EIIRA)
- Agreement with the Union of Hellenic Chambers (Kentriki Enosi Epimelitirion Ellados) (KEEE)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Hoteliers (Panellinia Omospondia Xenodoxon) (POX)
- Extension of Memorandum of Cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Hoteliers (Panellinia Omospondia Xenodoxon) (POX)
- Agreement/Framework of Cooperation with the Union of Owners of Private Radio Stations of Attica (Enosi Idioktiton Idiotikon Radiofonikon Stathmon) (EIIRA)
- Agreement for cooperation with the Union of Municipal Radio and TV Media of Greece (Enosi Dimotikon Radiotileoptikon MME Elladas)
- Agreement for cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Organizers of Cultural Events (Panellinios Syndesmos Diorganoton Politistikon Ekdiloseon) (P.S.D.P.E.)
- Agreement for cooperation – Regulation of fees – Agreement framework with the Union of Hellenic Chambers (Kentriki Enosi Epimelitirion Ellados) (KEEE)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Hoteliers (Panellinia Omospondia Xenodoxon) (POX)
- Extension of Memorandum of Cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Hoteliers (Panellinia Omospondia Xenodoxon) (POX)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Owners of Radio Stations (Enosi Idioktiton Radiofonikon Stathmon) (PEIRAS)
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the Union of Municipal TV and Radio Media of Greece (Enosi Radiotileoptikon M.M.E. Elladas).
Collective Management Organizations that represent the related rights rightholders
- APOLLON – Musicians
Agreement with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE) - DIONYSOS – Actors
- DIAS – Producers of audiovisual works
- ERATO – Singers and Performers
- GEA – Sound
- Renewal of Collective Agreement with the Union of Municipal Radio and TV Media of Greece
- Collective Agreement with the Union of Municipal Radio and TV Media of Greece
- Agreement with the Union of Coffee and Spirits Sellers and Cafeterias of Kavala (Somatio Kafezythopolon and Idioktiton Kefeterion Kavalas)
- Agreement with the Union of Cafeterias and Restaurants Bars Pamvotis, P. of Ioannina (Somatio Kafe Estiatoron Bar Pamvotis N. Ioanninon)
- Agreement with the Union of Municipal Radio-television Media of Greece (Enosi Dimotikon Radiotileoptikon MME Elladas)
- Agreement with the Pan-Hellenic Union of Gymnasiums (Panellinios Syndesmos Gymnastirion)
- Agreement with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE)
- Agreement with the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Restaurant Owners and Other Related Professions (Panellinia Omospondia Estiatorikon kai Sinafon Epaggelmaton) (P.O.E.S.E.)
- Agreement with the Information Media of the Greek Region Association (Enosi Enimerotikon Tileoraseon Ellinikis Perifereias (E.E.T.E.P.)
- Agreement with the Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants Association of Agia Paraskevi/Restaurant Owners and other Related Professions Union under the distinctive title ‘DIONYSOS’ (Enosi Epaggelmation Emporon Viotexnon Agias Paraskevis/Somateio Estiatoron kai Sinafon Epaggelmaton o ‘DIONYSOS’)
- Agreement with the Restaurant Owners and other Related Professions Union under the distinctive title ‘DIONYSOS’ (Somateio Estiatoron kai Sinafon Epaggelmaton o ‘DIONYSOS’)
- Agreement with the Landowners and Catering Outlets Operators Association (Enosi Idioktiton Ktimaton kai Idioktiton Katastimaton Catering)
- Agreement with the Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants Federation of Xanthi (trade) (Omospondia Epaggelmation Viotexnon kai Emporon Xanthis)
- Agreement with the Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants Federation of Xanthi (restaurants / café – bars) (Omospondia Epaggelmation Viotexnon kai Emporon Xanthis)
- Agreement with the Trade Association of Piraeus (Emporikos Sillogos Piraios)
- Agreement with the Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants Federation of Rodopi (trade) (Omospondia Epaggelmation Viotexnon kai Emporon Rodopis)
- Agreement with the Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants Federation of Rodopi (restaurants / café – bars) (Omospondia Epaggelmation Viotexnon kai Emporon Rodopis)
- Agreement with the Restaurant Owners Union of the prefecture of Serres (Somateio Estiatoron N. Serron)
- Collective Agreement with the Restaurant Owners and Related Professions Union of Molivos (Sillogiki Simfoneia me Somateio Estiatoron & Sinafon Eppagelmaton Molivou)
- Collective Agreement with the Pastry Pie Makers and Refreshment Owners Union (Somateio Paraskeuaston Tiropiton – Mpougatsas kai Sinafon Eidon kai Idioktiton Anapsiktirion)
- GRAMMO – Producers of phonograms
- HERMIAS – Producers of motion pictures
- IRIDANOS – Producers of of audiovisual works
- TILEOPTIKA DIKAIOMATA S.A. – Related rights of broadcasting organizations and producers of audiovisual works
- Agreement with the Association of Entrepreneurs of Tourist Accommodation of Greece (S.E.T.K.E.)
- Second additional Act to the Agreement with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE) of 07.06.2021
- Additional Act to the Agreement with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE) of 07.06.2021
- Agreement with the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (Xenodoxeiako Epimelitirio Ellados) (XEE)
- Agreement with the Imathia Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Imathias)
- Complementary Contract with Hotels’ Union of Imathia
- Association Agreement with the Ioannina Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Ioanninon)
- Agreement with the Kefalonia and Ithaca Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Kefallonias kai Ithakis)
- Supplementary Agreement with the Kefalonia and Ithaca Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Kefallonias kai Ithakis)
- Agreement with the Larissa Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Larisas)
- Supplementary Agreement with the Larissa Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Larisas)
- Agreement with the Syros Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Syrou)
- Supplementary Agreement with the Syros Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Syrou)
- Agreement with the Korinthos Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Nomou Korinthias)
- Agreement with the Aitoloakarnania Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Aitoloakarnanias)
- Agreement with the Thessaloniki Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Thessalonikis)
- Supplementary Agreement with the Thessaloniki Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Thessalonikis)
- Agreement with the Achaia Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Achaias)
- Supplementary Agreement with the Achaia Hoteliers Association (Enosi Xenodoxon Achaias)