
Orpheus creating

The short animated film that was created by RAPPASfilms productions with the support of the Hellenic Copyright Organization and the EUIPO has been completed and is now available in

Orpheus, the multi-talanted octopus has been sharing his art work with everyone. What happens though when nobody thinks about Orpheus’ needs? Press here to find out!

Written and directed by Panagiotis Rappas
Music and sound: Georges Bizet, Giannis Rappas, Traditional music with oud, Song performed by Enrico Caruso, Extracts from works by Oscar Wilde and George Seferis
Narration: Stamatina Ntouskou
Animation: Panagiotis Rappas
Sound mix and sound effects: Antonis Delaportas
Design: Panagiotis Rappas, Maria Litina
Production: RAPPASfilms 2016