
IP in Education Network – Intellectual Property and Next-Gen

On 22 and 23 October 2024, the EUIPO Intellectual Property (IP) in Education Network held its second meeting of the year, this time online. The Network is composed of representatives from EU Ministries of Education, IP offices and other relevant stakeholders.

Participants were informed about the upcoming EUIPO initiative “IP Next-Gen”. It aims to equip young people with the basic knowledge of IP needed to promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, while raising awareness of how IP infringement can harm their security and harm society as a whole.

During the meeting, the European Commission updated the network members on the work of the expert group on digital educational content, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology presented the latest developments on the Deep Tech Talent initiative.

Given the increasing focus on the role of AI in education, participants had the opportunity to hear a talk on the ethics of AI and education by the distinguished Professor of Critical Studies in AI and Education, Wayne Holmes (UCL).

On the second day of the meeting, the IPI gave a brief presentation on the Skills Workshop for the 5th grade elementary school. The Skills Lab along with its accompanying materials is available in the library.

The IP in Education teaching materials, including a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the key issues of intellectual property and an interactive infographic entitled “Generative AI in Education – Understanding copyright implications”, are available on the IdeasPowered@School website.

Find more information about the Network meeting here.