
EU Council Presidency Questionnaire on the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intellectual and Related Rights – Submit comments by 20.10.2024

The Hungarian Presidency of the European Council brought to the attention of the representatives of the Member States a special Questionnaire to promote the discussion and the exchange of views on the relationship and effects of generative artificial intelligence (generative artificial intelligence) in copyright law and in particular in the copyright and related right- of the beneficiaries.

This Questionnaire is structured in separate sections that reflect the challenges already raised by the application of artificial intelligence tools and the use of protected works and is broken down into specific questions that aim to “illuminate” all aspects of the complex and this crucial issue.

As possible interventions at EU or even international level to regulate the issues arising by taking appropriate legal and technical measures are being evaluated and considered, the Presidency has recently made available to the wider public the specific Questionnaire, in order to give the opportunity for Member States to gather the views of interested parties.

In this context, the HCO as the competent national authority and representative of the country in the Council’s Working Group, invites those directly interested to send any answers or comments and/or data regarding the effectiveness of the practical application to date of the already available tools, such as the text and data mining of the article 21a l. 2121/1993 in the field of AI.

Contributions can be sent to until October 20, 2024.

For the Questionnaire visit here.