
Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission: Public Consultation on the specification of the criteria for determining the remuneration of press editors

The Regulation of EETT, which specifies the criteria for determining the remuneration of press editors by the information society service providers, as provided for in article 51B of law 2121/1993 (as added by a. 18 of law 4996/2022), entered into public consultation.

With this public consultation, EETT presents on the one hand the proposed methodology for calculating the remuneration of press editors, further specifying the criteria of the law and on the other hand publishes its proposals for the regulatory text of paragraph 5 of article 51B of law 2121/1993, in order to receive views and comments from all stakeholders.

The consultation started on 9 July 2024 and ends on 9 September 2024 at 13.00.

To participate to the public consultation visit here.

For the whole text of the consultation visit here.