
The European Commission published a study on collective licensing practices in the digital environment (SMART 2018/0069).

The study deals with two separate issues linked to the collective management of copyright-protected works. The first part focuses on various mechanisms of collective licensing with an extended effect, used in the Member States. The second part concerns the application of Directive 2014/26/EU ("the CRM Directive"), with a specific emphasis on the development of multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online use in the internal market.

The study SMART 2018/0069 has been carried out in parallel to the study SMART 2019/0024 (Study on selected issues relating to the application of the CRM Directive). These studies aim to support the following two reports of the European Commission:

a) Report on the application of Directive 2014/26/EU.
b) Report on the use of collective licensing mechanisms under Directive 2019/790/EU.

For the reports and the studies select here.