
We would like to inform you that on June 6th, 2020, the maximum term of operation of the ‘Special Service of Exceptional Rights Management (Eidiki Ypiresia Ektaktis Diaxeiris Dikaiomaton (EYED)’ expired since the two – years’ period of the entrustment to ‘EYED’ of the management of the rights of the authors – former members of ‘AEPI’, following the permanent withdrawal of the operating license of the latter, on the grounds of the relevant Ministerial Decision (Ref. No. ΥΠΠOA/ΓΔΔΥΗΔ/ΔΔΑΔ/ ΤΔΥΕΦ 262844/18408/13772/689 (Official Government Gazette (FEK) Β’ 2085/07.06.2018), was completed.

By the means of the Joint Decision of the Minister of Culture and Sports and the Minister of Finance (Ref. No. ΥΠΠΟΑ/ΓΡΥΠ/237529/6053/12.05.2020 (Official Government Gazette (FEK) Β’/2025/26.05.2020), the transfer of the activity of ‘EYED’ to the successor collective management organization under the distinctive title ‘Enosi Dikaiouxon EDEM’, has been regulated, in accordance with paragraph 9, Article 51A, Law 4481/2017, as well as other issues as provided under the aforementioned provision of the law.

As a result, you should contact directly ‘Enosi Dikaiouxon EDEM’ in respect of the issues that fall within its competency under the aforementioned Joint Ministerial Decision; their contact details are available at the following link: https://opi.gr/en/cmos-imes/cmo-contact-details.

With regard to other issues or other relevant inquiries, please send an e-mail to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.